söndag 15 januari 2012

Thank You!

I really would like to send out a truly honest Thank you! to Fox Broadcasting Company that made me in a way or another into a communist at heart. And thanks again for the fact that I will never believe that just judging from were you are from is the right thing to do nor that you have more or less rights than another one of the human race because of it.
It is the actions you portrait and the choices you make that decides what I will think of you and what I will do, while responding to you and your being in this world.    Nothing else.

Be prepared.

onsdag 11 januari 2012

måndag 9 januari 2012

söndag 8 januari 2012

Okay, I'm serious now. I really don't know how i find these things really.
You all know Nicki Minaj's Super Bass right? I found the christian version of it. It still got the worst grammar ever and a whole bunch of new "improved" lyrics. Yeah.. check it out.

lördag 7 januari 2012

My brother just sent me this and I can't really get over the WoW demons in his head really..
Both him and my boyfriend are WoW gamers in a more.. serious way than I think I'll ever play it and they both think this is the best thing that ever would've happen to him, and I'm kind of keen to agree really. How about you? 

Cozy Saturday

picture found on smosh

First of all. My shoes are everywhere! ..and I haven't even moved all of my shoes to this apartment yet.. It will be madness just trying to find enough space for them all.
Earlier today I had dinner at my gran's house. She made the most awesome salmon with lemon zest and dill. It still waters in my mouth for it..
After managing all our laundry to way too high music and base I guess we'll cozy up in the sofa with a good movie or two. Got any tips?

Epic Rap Battle

Nice Peter who usually creates the Epic Rap Battles of History videos on youtube have gotten together with one of my favourite annoying fruits of all time and created one of the most awesome rap battle ever.

Who Wins? M&M or The Annoying Orange?

Seriously bad actors?

one of the actors mentioned.

I seriously don't know how I get to some of the sites I do. How to go from DamnLol to a list of the sexiest nerd costumes (for women ofcourse) and then to this list of actors and actresses who really does not care for movies.
I just don't get it, not how I find different things, nor how the actors mentioned above is so pathetically careless of a good story and just think about their paychecks. What do you think? Do you agree with me, that the list is correct or do you have a totally different opinion?

4:20 am

picture found on google.

Sweetness in a box, going up in smoke. Just watching it feels good you know.
Smoke.. it's kind of poetic. For me at least. I automatically get an idea for a story when I watch smoke. Just try it once.
Inhale. Exhale. Watch.
Beautiful ain't it?

fredag 6 januari 2012

Nighttime Smoshing.

...as usual.
But I never get disappointed though, so why complain? Smosh never fails, and yes the true story is true.

Shit princesses say, true story?


copenhagen, last summer.

Job. Work. Employment.

You name it. I'm looking for it. I don't really care were, just as long as it's good pay and that the people I'll work with are cool. No not cool as in - o m g that's wicked! - no. More cool as in that they are comfortable with their lives and that they don't mind new people or were they come from.
My criteria are high I know. But I can't help it though. If I move a long way from "home" to work, I kinda' need to be comfortable with what and whom I'm working with, and for.
Too bad it's a holiday today and therefore is closed wherever, 'cus when I woke up today I really felt like going to the Unemployment's office and ask them for help. That's a Mondays work I guess. 

torsdag 5 januari 2012

Check it out.

Browsed through Smosh's webpage, as I usually do late nights being forever alone and found this. Epic Nyan Cat human beatboxer.

Check it out.

Nytt år, ny blogg?

Jag hatar egentligen att börja på en ny blogg. Igen och igen.
Inget som hänger samman. Jag finns snart överallt på internet. Varenda jävla bloggsajt kan ni hitta mig och mina äldre bloggar på. Saken är den att jag tröttnar på bloggen efter ett tag och vill ha nytt. Så har det i alla fall varit innan, men jag har inte heller känt att det skulle kännas okay att bara ta bort och börja på nytt. Rensa.. Nej. Jag har kvar mitt bagage i bloggvärlden som jag har utanför den fantastiska men mestadels så sjukt meningslösa it-världen. Nu var det ju dock inte lika dant som det varit innan, att jag tröttnat.
Per se. Jag tröttnade. Men inte på bloggen eller något sånt, utan på möget som är http://www.nattstad.se
Jag klarar verkligen inte av att det enda som händer där är att (mestadels) konstiga människor raggar 
på en och föreslår att jag ska vara otrogen och allt vad det heter. Så sjukt trött på det. Det bästa, eller är det kanske det värsta av allt, är att Nattstad till en början verkade ganska chill.

Oavsett vad så är det här jag är nu och så får vi helt enkelt se hur länge det håller i sig.
Och om det är någon som är förtjust att undersöka lite äldre saker är detta min senaste blogg: 
